The Blue Egg
After I got my first six chickens, I soon became fascinated with the fact that there was such a rich variety of egg colors that chickens could produce. I was determined to expand my flock with a variety of colored egg layers, chief among them, Ameraucanas so that I could add striking blue eggs to my daily harvest.Getting a true, honest-to-goodness Ameraucana ended up being slightly harder than expected. Determined to get a real Ameraucana, I finally settled on a small farm in California called White Mountains Ranch and ordered two Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas to be shipped to me in Maine.Nina and Pinta (so named for their cross-country journey) soon became my favorite chickens. They were beautiful, sweet and held the potential to finally give me my blue eggs.And so the months went on. And on. They passed the six month mark. I waited. I waited some more. I worried there was something wrong with them. My cousin, who has a lot of experience with Ameraucanas reassured me that they were a slow breed to mature, and I may not see any blue eggs until Spring. I pouted.And then yesterday, my husband told me he had a surprise for me when I got home. When I walked in the door, on the kitchen table, amongst the day's egg that had been collected, sat very blue egg!!
As with most first eggs, it was small and oddly shaped, but honestly, I haven't seen something this beautiful in a very long time