Goats for Sale
You can EMAIL US or call us at (207)518-1291 with any questions or for reservations. Preference may be given to performance homes.
Please see our sale policies page for more details.
Lonefeather “S16”
Doeling - DOB 4/17/24 - Red Buckskin
Sire: Haymaker Farm Hero of Ukraine 2x GRAND CHAMPION; 2x BEST OF BREED; 1x RESERVE CHAMPION; 2023 ANDDA ALL-AMERICAN YEARLING BUCK (Old Mountain Farm Smart Alec x FeatherNScale ChocolateDipped 4*M VEEE 91)
Dam: FeatherNScale Andromeda 1*M (*B Amethyst Acres R Giovanni x SG FeatherNScale Aurora )
Lonefeather “S32”
Doeling - DOB 5/11/24 - Gold with Moon Spots
Sire: LoneFeather Prince Albert (Agape’s Prize Monkey Pox - Agape’s prize CountN On Quinn son x LoneFeather Victoria )
Dam: LoneFeather Lemon Drop (FeatherNScale Chiarscuro x FeatherNScale Lemon Tartlet - SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B daughter)
(neutered males) are $175 each or a pair for $300. We will have many adorable boys to choose from in Sping/Summer 2025