Huge Changes
It's a little overwhelming to try to sum up the past few months. Once again I am kicking myself for letting this blog become dusty with disuse while life keeps speeding along.The big thing that's been sucking up every minute of my time something I've been dreaming about for years - we've finally bought a house of our very own. This is something that I had given up hope of ever happening. Bad credit, lost jobs, life in general seemed stacked against us, and I was growing resinged to the fact that we would always be handing over ridiculous ammounts of money to landlords who have no intesest in making even the smallest of repairs. But, through a series of small miracles, we now own the house I've always wanted.The new house is a 1790 farmhouse, lovingly kept from total ruin by the previous owneer. However, we're left with some very daunting repair work and a DIY budget. Luckily, our passion for the house has made this more of an adventure then a burden. We're ripping down horsehair plaster, blowing in insulation, putting up drywall, and generally trying to get the place winterized and move-in ready by the end of October.
Along with the house, there is a double barn and land. This means even bigger changes for our family. This means livestock. This means bee keeping. This means gardening on a whole new scale. It means we can finally have a real homestead and do all of the wonderful projects we've always envisioned for being more self-sufficient. I can't even put into words what it feels like to have one of your biggest dreams realized.And so, amidst the crazy, I will do my best to chronicle all of the wonderful developments and changes that take place as we continue on this journey towards greater self-sufficiency and the lifestyle we're trying to create for ourselves.