Good-Bye Henny Penny

This weekend, tragedy befell our beloved little flock. Our neighbor had some friends visiting, and those friends had two very large dogs who proceeded to break through our fence, and kill my favorite hen, Henny Penny.I won't go into details, because it's still really hard to think about. When you only have six chickens, it's hard not to name them and to get attached. Frankly, that's been one of the biggest joys for me having our own little backyard flock. I love watching them and seeing all of their different personalities.Henny Penny was a Welsummer, and totally stunning. In the pecking order, she was second in command and very feisty. She had just laid her first egg the day she was killed. I was so excited and so proud. It just made it that much harder.Good-bye Henny. You will be missedThe support of the chicken communities I belong to has been really great. They're made it OK to grieve for what some people would say "is only a chicken". They've shared stories of the losses they've faced with their own chickens. And most importantly, they've supported us seeking compensation from the dogs owners. My thanks go out to all of the individuals who have taken the time to share a kind word - it's really been appreciated.And so life will go on. I'm seeking a new hen to round out flock once again - hopefully another Welsummer. In the meantime, I continue to call the other girls by name, laugh at their antics, and enjoy the fact that they're still with us.