SG FeatherNScale Aurora

Photos by: Cheryle Moore-Smith
“SG FeatherNScale Aurora” AKA “Aurora” continues to impress us with each freshening as her udder matures. She is one of our favorite does to milk, with very expressive teats and a capacity that holds throughout the lactation, just like her dam.
Aurora’s sire is the phenomenal Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B, who was awarded Superior Genetics status, was the 2018 ADGA National Show Premier Sire and sire to the 2017 ADGA National Show Grand Champion Senior Doe / 2017 ADGA National Show Best Udder Senior Doe. He was also the 2017 ADGA National Show Get of Sire Buck, and sire to the 2018 ADGA National Show Reserve Champion Senior Doe
Markings/Colorings: Buckskin/Swiss combo with extensive white
Date of Birth: 4/27/15
SS: SG + B Old Mountain Farm Stag
Sire:SG +B Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk
SD:NC Promisedland Nemesis
DS: Painted Pepper RJ Sprinter
Dam: SG 3*MPainted Pepper SP Equinox
DD: Painted Pepper ST Christine
SG 4*M FeatherNScale Solstice
FeatherNScale Eclipse
Linear Appraisal:
2018 (3 yr. old FF) 85 VVV+
Kidding History:
02/15/21 - Quads (2D/2B) sired by Amethyst Acres R Giovanni *B
02/27/20 – Triplets (2D/1B) sired by FeatherNScale Lone Ranger
05/08/19 – Triplets (1D/2B) sired by Amethyst Acres R Giovanni
03/06/18 – Triplets (2D/1B) Stonebroke Farm N The Flash
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