Easy Chevre Recipe

Once you have dairy goats it's usually on a matter of time before you decide to try your hand at making goat cheese. Chevre is an easy way to dive into your first cheese making experience.


Easy Chevre Recipe

Put one gallon of milk into a large pot and put on medium. Heat to 72 degrees F, monitoring with a digital thermometer.While heating combine .2cc single strength rennet with a cup of cool water and stir into the milk.At 72 degrees F, remove from heat and sprinkle a packet of mesophillic culture over the top without stirring. Rest for 1-2 minutes then stir in thoroughly.Cover and let stand undisturbed for 12-16 hours (the closer to 72 degrees F it's kept the shorter the amount of time it will take. Too much heat will cause it to fail)The cheese will sink below the whey and pull away from the sides of the pan when ready (see photo example below)Scraping the surface with a knife should cause it to peel up. Taste for a good "tang". If it's not solid or tangy enough leave it longer.Line a colander with cheesecloth and pour in the cheese from the pot slowly. Once the initial whey has drained off, gather the corners of the cheesecloth, tie them together, and hang with a bowl underneath to catch the whey.Drain for 3-8 hours depending on the consistency you want. Not draining long enough will give a loose product similar to cottage cheese. Too long and it will be too dry.Once  you have your chevre the consistency you desire, flavor it according to taste. Feel free to check out my post "Flavoring Chevre" for great flavor ideas.

Cooking and Recipes, GOATS