An Ode to My Goats

My darling goats, you are the best,

Though you put my sanity to the test.

Your playful antics make me smile,

Even while the poop you pile.

Through frozen buckets, ice and snow,

Out to the barn I'll continue to go.

Rewarded with such sweet attention,

The work is hardly worth a mention.

My bucks so regal, and oh so charming,

Though their smell is often alarming,

Bring such stunning babies forth each year

That we will continue to hold them dear.

And as for those babies - what can I say!

They brighten even the darkest day.

They hop, they jump, they are so happy

So fun to watch when you feel crappy.

The does are the very heart of our herd

The milk they give is so good it's absurd.

They feed our bodies and our soul

So much love in every bowl.

So though there is pain and sometimes tears,

I hope to have goats for the rest of my years.

Nowhere you will find a nobler creature -

They will always be my greatest teacher.

Goats always keep us going

Goats always keep us going