FeatherNScale Mizi’s Memory (“Mem”)

Photos by: Stacey Collins
“FeatherNScale Mizi’s Memory” AKA “Mem” is a doe that truly has my heart for a number of reasons. With her first freshening, I love her even more. This doe has too many beautiful qualities to name – body depth, brisket, strong head and more. To top it all off, she has an udder that is perfectly put together and an absolute joy to milk.
Markings/Colorings: Cream with chocolate moonspots, wattles
Date of Birth: 2/7/18
SS: Old Mountain Farm Stingn Ned L
Sire: Stonebroke Farm N The Flash
SD: Painted Pepper RJ Flower
DS: Promisedland S Mel Gibson
Dam: 3*M NC Promisedland MG Mizi
DD: NC Promisedland SS Tizzie
Littermates: N/A
Linear Appraisal:
Kidding History:
02/20/21 - Twin bucks sired by *B Amethyst Acres R Giovanni
02/17/20 – Twins (1D/1B) sired by FeatherNScale Lone Ranger
Registered Progeny:
In other herds:
FeatherNScale First Impression